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How stupid do they think we are? A small pro-Ukrainian group in a yacht did whaaaat?

Western “intelligence” and the New York Times in deeper waters than usual, offering us a devious spin and fake story – sadly swallowed by the same media that omitted Hersh’s analysis.

The New York Times – which has not written one word about the legendary US reporter Seymour Hersh’s Nord Stream report – breaks this one which it obviously finds more credible and newsworthy. That says a lot about the decay of the New York Times:

Read here how Reuters reports this intelligence suggestion, which it tells you “amounts to the first significant lead about who was responsible…” How can the NYT have missed Seymour Hersh’s report?

I take a quick look at the public service media in the countries closest to the crime scene (searches done today):

The Danish Broadcasting, DR:

Seymour Hersh has not been mentioned at all.

But today, three big stories on the front page, this one being the main one about this “intelligence suggestion.” See Addendum at the end here inserted on March 10, 2023.

The Swedish Broadcasting, SVT:

Seymour Hersh has never been mentioned.

But today, we find three articles about the intelligence suggestion – here, here and here. In none of them do we find references to Seymour Hersh’s analysis.

Norwegian public service, NRK

Hersh has never been mentioned – remember he pointed out that Norway partnered with the US to destroy Nord stream.

But today, there is one article. It ends with a comment from an expert who says that she believes it is still most likely that Russia did it.

The media situation around Nordstream cries to the high heavens – first, omission of the most important and authoritative report by one of the world’s most respected investigative reporters; then a story I do not hesitate to call fake and invention and simply so dumb, improbable and unlikely that it is not worth its bandwidth.

The destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines is a huge event for Europe, for transatlantic relations (in principle, at least since the US has attacked its friends and allies), and it is huge for the obviously orchestrated mainstream Western media in the sense of revealing their journalistic and moral decay – their doing commissioned work. And because they serve you the fake and omit a substantive analysis (and also avoid taking up Hersh and criticising it for its content).

Do I know for a fact who did it? Of course not; like everybody else who discusses the issue, I have not been 70-80 metres down on the seabed and seen for myself – and would probably not get any evidence from doing so.

Why then do I strongly hold that it was done by the US with some help from Norway and perhaps others? Because:

  1. Seymour Hersh is truly independent, highly qualified, and well-connected. See the Wikipedia here with his incredible achievements – although, however, it also denounces his report.
  2. President Biden and Victoria Nuland have both said long ago that the US would blow it up if Russia invaded – and did so without having consulted their European friends, including Germany’s chancellor Scholz.
  3. An interest analysis leads to that – i.e. simply asking: Who could have an interest in destroying this hugely important piece of energy infrastructure which also connected Europe to Russia? And who would have the technical and other capacities to do it?
  4. The media coverage that combines omission with fake – omitting a report that is the best made so far and points to the US and gives wide coverage to an invented story that comes with much less documentation, analysis and credibility than Hersh’s. I mean, imagine the front page headlines in case Hersh had shown that Russia or, say, Iran or China had destroyed Nord Stream.

Perhaps one will see this whole affair in the future as something like a European 9/11 closely related to the NATO-Russia conflict that plays out in Ukraine and could have even worse consequences for us all than 9/11, which tragically killed more people but affected far fewer people’s lives than the this 9/26 – September 26 – does?

Allow me to list what I have written and said so far about the destruction of Nord Stream:

September 29, 2022
Biden and Nuland promised to destroy Nordstream before the Russian invasion

February 12, 2023
Of course, Nordstream was blown up by the US and NATO allies: A US economic war on submissive allies.

February 14-17, 2023
Three days of comments to Chinese news agency Xinhua and national television CCTV.

March 8, 2023
Panel discussion on China Global Televison Network, CGTN’s The Point with Liu Xin:

Today, Joe Lauria, Consortium News, has an interesting take on this new spin/hypothesis/narrative and calls his article, As Bakhmut Falls, US May Turn From Ukraine, Starting With Pipeline Story. If the Donbass city of Bakhmut falls to the Russians the U.S. may need to save face in order to reverse course in Ukraine.

Addendum of March 10, 2023
A kind and well-informed person on Facebook has alerted me to the fact that the Danish Broadcasting, DR, already on February 8, announced that Hersh’s report did not live up to the ethical guidelines of public service because it was lacking in documentation. An earlier telegram mention of it had therefore been deleted. This was written by editor Lotte Stensgaard:

Therefore, I have today written to Ms Stensgaard and asked how she explains that the New York Times story, which has received significant DR coverage in a number of DR programs, does live up to its ethical standards.

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