Establish an International Tribunal or Commission on the International War In Syria

It’s time – long ago – to establish an International Tribunal/Commission on the Entire International War In Syria.

Jan Oberg Comment

You should be sick and tired of blame game around selected events and misuse of international law in Syria. I am!

Process instead the entire war and give justice and reconciliation to the Syrian people who have suffered incredibly.

Here is the interview in which I am saying that.

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  1. Yes, these accusations, brought up with a lot of media hype, for certain events obscure the question of who are the main contributors to the disaster in Syria. Perhaps a kind of Russell tribunal is formed? Or a tribunal, such as the BRussell’s tribunal, which in particular examined torture as a result of the war in Iraq and the murder of hundreds of academics. That would be desirable. A neutral UN tribunal, which will deal with the war in Syria irrespective of the interests of the great powers, will scarcely constitute itself.

  2. Thanks, Jan, for sharing wisdom on a terrible situation which needs wisdom urgently. Here is where application of spiritual wisdom is the only path, as spiritual is the highest wisdom available on Earth, for resolving the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere.

    Donald Trump says Iran is the greatest state-sponsor of terrorism on Earth. The “other side” (there is no other side, there is only the human family) says it’s the Saudis and Gulf monarchies, the U.S., Israel and Western nations. How pathetic can the global situation have become when determining or identifying precisely who is funding, training and/or otherwise supporting terrorism? Perhaps it’s impossible to describe the situation – especially with 100’s of $billions spent on intelligence, collecting/sweeping every communication on Earth and “seeing” it all, as anything but maximally pathetic and absolutely immoral to the criminal extreme. Surely the human race is much smarter than this.

  3. Edit: How pathetic can the global situation have become when determining or identifying precisely who is funding, training and/or otherwise supporting terrorism (hasn’t already occurred)?

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