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NATO strengthens forces in Eastern Europe

NATO strengthens forces in eastern Europe against Russia risk – Reuters

This is indeed worrying and will cause a tough Russian response at some point. However, it is a little less militaristic than I had feared (or the more worrying steps are not made public).

NATO talks war preparation while Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande are on diplomatic mission to Kiev and Moscow with a ceasefire or peace plan.

This shows that there is no coordination. No timing. Increasing rift inside NATO. And a tremendous lack of vision – both back in history and forward into the future.

At a moment when so much is at stake, Western leaders again appear intellectually and politically confused. All because the EU and the U.S. started this crisis with Russia in Ukraine and now don’t know how to back down.

How utterly tragic when you think of the fabulous stable, cooperative and prosperous Europe we could have created together after 1989.

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